Saturday, February 21, 2009

White Lump Behind New Lip Piercing


Photo: Le Passant qui passe

I stare softly that snow has been deposited in your hair. Snow brought the years and worries. Those years and concerns that we shared, and I know now that all I want is to close your eyes and start dreaming.

not need anything else to feel the touch of your hand pressing mine and hear your soft breath surrounds me as the most beautiful melody ... "


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You sleep and I watch, I veil, veil your dream. Your eyelids closed, open mine. In memory of my eyes I lived with you, in your imagination what we have left to live. Between the folds of my smile as I look at yours, and the silver of your hair and mine the beam of moonlight coming through the window. A beam that perch my dreams and it rises above the fatigue and sickness of the land, to deposit it to you and me where the desert sand moving in water and fresh grass, where a sea of \u200b\u200blove will dissolve all your concerns, where they cherish no time, no rush, each and every one of your feelings, lulled by the humming of the beating of my heart. On the moors of Hope.


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I learned to know your silence,

read what silent,

to shut up when you search distances.

I know the distances, tangled dreams,

ridden in the branches of life.

And I know the leaves that blew up and wrote

every autumn winter

preamble now


returns know awash with hope,

kisses treasured

of touches to beat in

skin wounds


calm I look at you, retrace

wrinkles and dye your hair

the hours lived.

not imagine summer without the sun in your laughter

winter nor named,

who stand on that corner,

without your hand in my

hand resisting the rains.