8 sentences of great thing I like is scratching his armpits , Fernanda Pivano an interview that he did to Charles Bukowski :
- "Those who tend to detestarte are also good readers."
- "I think that life is totally devoid of interest, and this was particularly true when he worked eight or twelve hours a day (...) There is no reason to love life for someone who works eight hours a day because is defeated. "
- "Poetry is always easier to write, because you can write when you are completely drunk or completely happy or completely miserable. You can always write a poem."
- "I do not ever analyze, I just react."
- "I am a learner, I'm one away."
- "Optimism is something foul."
- "I read a little Miller but I can not get into his books, is okey when writing to fuck, but when I fall asleep gets philosophical."
- "I became a writer not because they believe it could be a writer but because all the writers I knew and who were famous I did not think were worth absolutely nothing. But for me, stay there with folded hands and let them take over the situation with their boring ineptitude seemed outrageous. "
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