I allowed to do this little sketch of the splendid cover of this beautiful novel. As I had heard so much, had high expectations, and the truth is that I was not disappointed. I recommend it for several reasons. Language used fluid from the first page makes you hooked to the story, a story we all know, of our war, but approached from another perspective. Immediately sympathize with the protagonist, to be doing to itself in the course of the novel, and what is at first, there is practically nothing at the end of the book. The secondary characters also become very important and involved in an active way in the main character's life greatly affects the course of his life, and although she feels secure and independent, her personality is changing through its relationship with them. While this book helps us to know our history a little closer, and the position he took in the conflict, the cities through which it moves the protagonist: Tetuan, Lisbon, Madrid or London, which actively influence non-intervention and other intervention in our country in World War II.
Anyway, I liked it, I hope that you and you also like you.
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