FOOD Food is one of the most important things in my life, although sometimes gave me bad past especially in my stomach, but anyway I try to enjoy good food and I am very open to new tastes. When I travel, I love to try the food typical of each place where I am, but I confused as to the "Pipirana" I tried in Almagro (Ciudad Real). It was a sort of salad with peppers, egg, tomato and onion finely chopped. This was more or less smooth, but in Ciudad Rodrigo tasted a dish that was typical and that the title would not guess what it is. My mistake was not asking, reading "Farinato", no, I thought of flour, and so on, my imagination, later proved to be "eggs with chorizo, and certainly strong enough, my stomach was affected even if they could overcome I guess that age is less depending enduring things. What is clear is that food defines much to the people, whether fish, meat or vegetables, if you are on the coast or inland. It is a way of knowing the character and feeling of people of different regions or countries. Although I like
food as I said earlier, the truth is that little cooking, but I will dare to leave you here a recipe Fideuá very simple but tasty, hope you like it.
We take five or six whole garlic, and threw them in the pan until golden and take them out. On the other hand put three cuttlefish cut to pieces in hot water so that they cook. In the pan put the noodles until they begin to brown, add the cuttlefish to also browned, then put the fish stock and let it begin to boil, add salt, and after about fifteen minutes when cooked cuttlefish and pasta, depart.
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