When civil war came, my mother was twelve years old, an age more than enough to keep many memories of this time. It is a town of Jaén, like many others in Spain. There, the National not long in, no bombardments, and so we sent many refugees from other towns where things got worse. At my grandmother landed a middle-aged lady, who came for lunch and dinner each day, the poor had a huge tour with a slope tremendous to put in their mouths a few lentils and potatoes, because due to the scarcity of food available to the bare minimum.
When was the sound of airplanes, people went to the windows to see them. Refugee surprised that he said: "As noted here have not bombed, but I esconderíais under the tables. And it was true, here the war was in the front, led many young people had no choice but to join the armed forces did not know or take a gun, but his duty was to fight the enemy, and some never return.
My mother did not hear very well spent, only that his brothers were in the front of his regret, were forced, also noted that the red, as she said, "drew the saints of the churches, and that, was not right, what they had done the poor Saints to put them on guard, 'cause the poor parish priest helped everyone and did not deserve this, fix if it was good that he was told her parents gave it to the poor, but the war was pointless and not understand anything. My mother told me that some rich led them to do the little walk and never returned. not realized who command, only saw that war was very bad and I wanted it to end.
nationals found almost no resistance and quickly seized the town, killing the few factions that they faced. The refugee from the overnight disappeared, surely the poor would end up in prison or on the side of any road.
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