- Welcome to "If you're waking call me" a program where you have an word, here I hear, I entertain and I put your favorite music. Today Monday the eighteenth of April we are at Easter, many sure we will hear from the roads traveling to their place of rest, do not forget to stop every three hours and be careful driving. Well friends, I say we already have the first call. If ... friend? "I talk to?
the other side of the line, a female voice, melancholy spoke to the speaker.
"Goodnight Albert.
"Good night Where do we call friend?
"Never mind, I'm in a dark, damp place. The speaker insists
"Sorry friend, the rules are what they are, I must say you are calling from.
"Well, I do not care, I speak from Barcelona
- What do you want a friend in Barcelona?
"I need to talk to someone, I can not
" Relax, we're here to listen.
"I leave my husband, my abuser, and I have fear.
- Have you complained?
"I dare not kill me. When we got married everything was fine, but the birth of our first child, began to change, bother him at all, saying that he had abandoned, and only child was pending. They gave him fits of rage, threw food and when I hit my gorge. I was afraid for the child, not wanting to hurt her. He, after a while he repented and asked for her forgiveness, but then again the same. Now, I'm with my son hidden in a place he will not find me, but the panic comes over me.
Alberto could not believe what was happening, had heard everything, but this surpassed him, he must take action on the matter.
-Friendly, calm down, tell me where you are, if you want to mic closed, and you will go to help.
- No, no, I find! I just want to vent, I listen, I just want that.
"Well, but you need someone to tell you the path you follow, let me let a hand.
suddenly hung up the phone, and a feeling of helplessness invaded the body of Albert, the woman could not leave well after all he knew, but should follow the program, the audience certainly commanded and others behind the telephone waiting to tell their problems. And actually picked up another friend was behind the wire, also needed to talk, as all the listeners who called to dawn. When the program ended, Alberto no longer remembered the first caller desperate situation, everyone else got rid of his thought, his case was like many other women who die in the anonymity of the night. Tomorrow was another day where Alberto would take the microphone and wait for anxious calls from listeners to keep the audience every night.
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