While signing the delivery note which bore witness to that piece of marble had arrived in time and shape their study, Baltasar already knew how I was going to use. Looking the part, yet ductile to be converted into anything, caressed saying
- Barbara, I knew that eventually you'd be mine.
night fell, the lights went out. With the lighting that gave the two candles half spent he found, began to work, I needed it, the sooner the better, the inspiration he felt at that time gave him great strength he needed to channel.
took the pointer and began to rough life that block yet, which I knew was hiding Barbara. After three hours, the marble did not seem so cold took shape. I was tired, but now it was time to sleep. He switched, he took the tooth chisel to give his creation, his love, the desired volume. Was excited to see that already glimpsed the silhouette of the head, arm Noting that each time he weighed more, knew he must rest, though at the time it was impossible. The adrenaline that flowed through his body fed his creative frenzy.
I did not have the strength of old, the years you were causing a dent, approached the sixties and it showed, the gray would gradually poking his long brown hair, slightly wavy, in that it had not changed, provided Liked this measure. To work and used glasses, presbyopia started to cause havoc. Recently decided to disappear from his face a beard, he became the hobby that nobody used it, except for gays. Old maniac, diminished strength, but more creative than ever.
surrendered to the need to rest your body, poured himself a drink while his brain was coming up and affect the block of marble to reach the dream shapes, forms of Barbara. Alcohol relaxes the artist, who watched his work, noting what was already reality and glimpse what would soon become evident.
recover their power, began work fine, those cheekbones, the nose sharp, but not close, these small and rounded tabs arising from their expertise. Iba
cleaving the bit to get the nostrils, ear, mouth ajar to the teeth sticking out small pieces with a slight imperfection that made her unique.
were separated, looked at the figure that was becoming, and told her - Barbara, my love, and you arrive, and arrive. According
performed his face, he took on functionality. Thus, as the eyes were taking shape not only saw those magical eyes, she was also observed, and when the ears were noted as set
The face was almost finished, just missing polish. He grabbed the wheel and began to rub the surface repeatedly. It started with the front, was slowly being smooth and shiny, the eyes went up and outline the overwhelming glare, followed his nose which gave a great harmony to your face, ears, mouth and finally, putting those lips shine and sensuous. The slender neck, shoulders rounded and well-trained, were the final polishing of that work.
He put his hands on the work, slowly caressing it, feeling the softness of his tools had been made, closing his eyelids deepened the sense of touch, and did not notice the cold marble, but the skin of his beloved Barbara, if you Barbara!. As he passed his hand over her mouth, a kiss made him shiver with pleasure.
The new day came, the sun shone a new creation. He sat opposite her and felt her staring at her reproachfully. Barbara spoke to him, scolded him. Why?
- What he wanted? Why put off both his creation? - Was a self-centered artist, love often! She, like Penelope, wishing you both time and Who comes?, An older man and unattractive. - You're not who I hope.
No, did not deserve to be treated that way, after creating it, so much sacrifice. After so many years to be so true, without even thinking about any other love. It felt empty, punishable with unbearable weight in his chest. He covered his ears, neither wanted nor could continue listening. Perfect face that looked at him, brought his hands, raised it above his head and uttered a loud cry, threw her against the ground with such force that his beloved was shattered. Baltasar dropped to the floor crying like a child, also shattered, knowing he had lost forever. In his childish tantrum
pricked with the sharp point of one piece. Stood, sat and let out a laugh. Moment of clarity: the perfect woman is a pipe dream. It can only be ideal for the perfect man. Then he said.
- Baltasar No, you're just an imperfect man. Your ideal woman is an imperfect woman. That smile when you pick up the mail, which puts you eyes.
without thinking twice, and despite its deplorable state, picked up a pair of paper flowers, those who performed with his students. up to 3 ยบ E, rang the bell and minutes later, when a woman almost his sixties, clad in a gown home, opened the door and looked between confused and excited, he displayed the most seductive of smiles offering flowers, while they whispered,
- Beatrice, I just learned a lesson that will surely be the highlight of my life.

Carved and polished by Carmen and Juan Carlos.
Other faces four hands on the blog of Gus
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