Came to smoke in rest I took myself when I attend the workshop do not know why ...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Who Makes Wildfire Scooters
Came to smoke in rest I took myself when I attend the workshop do not know why ...
Kwiaty Nowoczesne Obrazy Olejne
I decided to leave you a picture of my latest painting dedicated to Lisbon. It is typical tourist tram, which climbs through the old part of town. At the time of immortalizing the picture down right next to the cathedral.
For me Portugal has never been a country that caught my attention. Last year I decided to go and see what the neighborhood, since it is good to know your closest companions, and since then I found places that are worth seeing: For example Lisbon with the great estuary of the Tagus River from its monumental bridge "Twenty-April" almost 2 kilometers long, all steel, and the lengthy bridge Basque da Gama "17.2 miles, considered the longest in Europe, connects Montijo and Sacavém near the Park of Nations, where Expo was 98. Seen as night gives an impression of infinity, do not see the end, both are wonderful. Later, on the outskirts of Lisbon is the Jeronimos Monastery in Belem, with its style between late Gothic and Renaissance, which highlights its magnificent cloister, I liked it so much I even made a note of it. Then we move to a small town called Sintra near Lisbon, where we find the Palacio de Pena, one of the principal residences of the Portuguese royal family in the nineteenth century with a romantic nineteenth-century Portuguese, is the heritage of humanity, and seems entirely a tale princess palace. On the way to Coimbra we find Batalha Monastery a, too late Gothic style, with many, pediments, capitals, pinnacles, and doors that are called imperfect doors with triple arcades that leave you speechless. Also with great joy we discovered a beautiful fishing village called Nazareth, there we took an elevator that took us to the top where people can observe and beach. From there we headed to the Cave of Hell where the ocean waves coming in and seems to swallow, Fatima with their religiosity to the surface came later, although I must say that consumption also seems to now win the battle to the mystical. And finally, Coimbra with its magnificent old university library, and especially their slopes to reach it, that it take a long time to forget. In short, it was worth the trip and had the opportunity to demystify stereotypes. Its inhabitants, though I suppose there are all, I found a bit dry on the deal, but I prefer not to generalize.
I feel what is happening to the poor Portugal, rescue and all that. I will always remember this song from the tuna dedicated to our neighbor country, well sure, one or some know. It reads:
singers Lusitana land,
Songs We bring the air and sea,
We filling the balconies and windows
In ancient melodies of Portugal.
Oporto red wine filled meadows
red flowers covering the coast will
Green is the Tajo, green are the two sides
Both national flag colors.
For all your ground is a charm
Why, wonders why he sees you,
Ay Portugal because I love you so
Why, oh why envy you all why
be that your women are beautiful,
be that the wine gladdens the heart,
Will your beautiful roses smell good,
will, you will be bathed in sunshine.
How Long Until Trimethoprim Works

Do U Have Brown Discharge With Bladder Infection
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Flat 112 Levita House Ossulston Street
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Bad Headaches Early Pregnancy
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Women Who Arent Shy To Show Their Boobs
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
How To Find Traitor In Ev Nova
How To Hook Up Mpc 2000 To A Pc

FOOD Food is one of the most important things in my life, although sometimes gave me bad past especially in my stomach, but anyway I try to enjoy good food and I am very open to new tastes. When I travel, I love to try the food typical of each place where I am, but I confused as to the "Pipirana" I tried in Almagro (Ciudad Real). It was a sort of salad with peppers, egg, tomato and onion finely chopped. This was more or less smooth, but in Ciudad Rodrigo tasted a dish that was typical and that the title would not guess what it is. My mistake was not asking, reading "Farinato", no, I thought of flour, and so on, my imagination, later proved to be "eggs with chorizo, and certainly strong enough, my stomach was affected even if they could overcome I guess that age is less depending enduring things. What is clear is that food defines much to the people, whether fish, meat or vegetables, if you are on the coast or inland. It is a way of knowing the character and feeling of people of different regions or countries. Although I like
food as I said earlier, the truth is that little cooking, but I will dare to leave you here a recipe Fideuá very simple but tasty, hope you like it.
We take five or six whole garlic, and threw them in the pan until golden and take them out. On the other hand put three cuttlefish cut to pieces in hot water so that they cook. In the pan put the noodles until they begin to brown, add the cuttlefish to also browned, then put the fish stock and let it begin to boil, add salt, and after about fifteen minutes when cooked cuttlefish and pasta, depart.
Monday, May 2, 2011
General Antibiotics For Std
Reading Room in the Eclipse (Valladolid, Rondilla, Calle Lope de Vega) and I have the good fortune to accompany Jorge M. Miller and organizers.
On Saturday, Eclipse Collective presents new project and this time in the Plaza Mayor at 19.00 if I remember correctly. We
that if someone has nothing to do, to come home board we are very busy.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What's The Best Deodorant Soap For Women?
a child I was taught to call things by their name. It was easy, the bread is called bread, wine, wine.
difficult thing comes when you grow up and can not call geek to geek and even frowned upon call this killing, murderer.
PS: because democracy is votes and no shots. NO A LA GUERRA, NO TO THE DEATH PENALTY, IF THE TRIAL AND THE DIALOGUE.
Phytospecific Products
the calendar says today is Labor Day and I'm standing.
Today is the day of the mothers and I am not a mother or mother I have.
Today is not my day on the calendar but the type of mirror is committed to smile.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Shrinkage Penis Tight Underwear

- Welcome to "If you're waking call me" a program where you have an word, here I hear, I entertain and I put your favorite music. Today Monday the eighteenth of April we are at Easter, many sure we will hear from the roads traveling to their place of rest, do not forget to stop every three hours and be careful driving. Well friends, I say we already have the first call. If ... friend? "I talk to?
the other side of the line, a female voice, melancholy spoke to the speaker.
"Goodnight Albert.
"Good night Where do we call friend?
"Never mind, I'm in a dark, damp place. The speaker insists
"Sorry friend, the rules are what they are, I must say you are calling from.
"Well, I do not care, I speak from Barcelona
- What do you want a friend in Barcelona?
"I need to talk to someone, I can not
" Relax, we're here to listen.
"I leave my husband, my abuser, and I have fear.
- Have you complained?
"I dare not kill me. When we got married everything was fine, but the birth of our first child, began to change, bother him at all, saying that he had abandoned, and only child was pending. They gave him fits of rage, threw food and when I hit my gorge. I was afraid for the child, not wanting to hurt her. He, after a while he repented and asked for her forgiveness, but then again the same. Now, I'm with my son hidden in a place he will not find me, but the panic comes over me.
Alberto could not believe what was happening, had heard everything, but this surpassed him, he must take action on the matter.
-Friendly, calm down, tell me where you are, if you want to mic closed, and you will go to help.
- No, no, I find! I just want to vent, I listen, I just want that.
"Well, but you need someone to tell you the path you follow, let me let a hand.
suddenly hung up the phone, and a feeling of helplessness invaded the body of Albert, the woman could not leave well after all he knew, but should follow the program, the audience certainly commanded and others behind the telephone waiting to tell their problems. And actually picked up another friend was behind the wire, also needed to talk, as all the listeners who called to dawn. When the program ended, Alberto no longer remembered the first caller desperate situation, everyone else got rid of his thought, his case was like many other women who die in the anonymity of the night. Tomorrow was another day where Alberto would take the microphone and wait for anxious calls from listeners to keep the audience every night.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
What Are The Best Golf Grips
Every Monday it marked a new challenge: a diet, a course, the gym.
does not to comply, or be felt in fashion, do it to find missing every Wednesday and every Sunday will aim to be better, being marked on Monday a new challenge (a diet, a course .... )
Friday, April 22, 2011
Volley Ball Body Paint
Once exceeded stage fright and dared to climb, the public was running out.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Swollen Tonsils After Drinking Alcohol
Every evening I look forward to ring the bell to hear his voice: "commercial loans." It takes several weeks
calling at the same time, every day is the same conversation: "Who is it?" "Commercial Postman." It
sultry voice, it sure is a guy in his early twenties, dark, tall, robust, with large arms and dragging a cart full of ridiculous deals that you can not pay.
Surely he has not been set in my voice, surely all the afternoon by calling the same floor routine. Is very confused, because two days ago that left nothing.
I leave, sounding the bell.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Funny Wedding Readings And Poems
They look and look like their dreams.
She looks like the star of the movie last night and a superhero who can do everything.
Who dares to say that this is not true?
Glory Hole In Chesapeake Va

When civil war came, my mother was twelve years old, an age more than enough to keep many memories of this time. It is a town of Jaén, like many others in Spain. There, the National not long in, no bombardments, and so we sent many refugees from other towns where things got worse. At my grandmother landed a middle-aged lady, who came for lunch and dinner each day, the poor had a huge tour with a slope tremendous to put in their mouths a few lentils and potatoes, because due to the scarcity of food available to the bare minimum.
When was the sound of airplanes, people went to the windows to see them. Refugee surprised that he said: "As noted here have not bombed, but I esconderíais under the tables. And it was true, here the war was in the front, led many young people had no choice but to join the armed forces did not know or take a gun, but his duty was to fight the enemy, and some never return.
My mother did not hear very well spent, only that his brothers were in the front of his regret, were forced, also noted that the red, as she said, "drew the saints of the churches, and that, was not right, what they had done the poor Saints to put them on guard, 'cause the poor parish priest helped everyone and did not deserve this, fix if it was good that he was told her parents gave it to the poor, but the war was pointless and not understand anything. My mother told me that some rich led them to do the little walk and never returned. not realized who command, only saw that war was very bad and I wanted it to end.
nationals found almost no resistance and quickly seized the town, killing the few factions that they faced. The refugee from the overnight disappeared, surely the poor would end up in prison or on the side of any road.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How Much Does Swiss Glutathione Cost?
The calendar stated without discussion that had begun a new day, but it was not so clear.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Licence Catan - Cities & Knights
Note: there will be demonstrations on Tuesday 26 to remember Chernobyl, the obvious sometimes we forget.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Flameless Candles With Timer
The troubadour sang the King forty and over billed!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Constant Phlegm White And Brown
Companions, even though I can not speak to all of you to explain the feelings of this wonderful day. A day full of culture, poets reading their creations from the book "Anthology of Vilapoética" that transported me to different worlds where they dipped their authors, literary journals as "Terral" that our fellow blogger Malagueña Buendía Lola has started with many sections where they can help all writers and artists who wish, reading the book stories "The Crash of 2009", here a little nervous I read a paragraph of my story. Also very interesting presentations by fellow photographers that bring us closer to pieces of a reality sometimes close and other distant, but both one and the other part of our world. A curious thing I have seen and I know little, are the exhibition of visual poems. They attached the word and image to explain feelings and truths of the artist, creating an interesting visual impact.
I felt a great joy to know at last, after four years to maintain contact through the stories, I write virtual professor Ramón Alcaraz-author of the blog "The attic of memory" - taking the opportunity to speak lazy days of all projects under way related to the literature. As Ramon also have been able to meet interesting people related to this world as the organizer of the event and great poet Naomi Trujillo, who has done an outstanding job setting up this whole show, and Mercedes Sallvador a poet and lawyer editor living in Manhattan and helps novice writers to enter this world so complicated. In short, a day to remember and hoping to repeat another year has really paid off.
Oh by the way! a colleague as Juan Carlos I said he was interested in purchasing the book "The Crash of 2009." Naomi told me that escribáis to your email and she will send the book, worth 12 euros.
Here you have some pictures of this magnificent day
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Utility Trailer Licence Ontario
To end the discussion she gave me a bottle and left.
not understand what was happening because the bottle had no message inside.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Travel Map Personalized
I've read a hundred books, some bought, some borrowed, some stolen, a thousand blogs and Internet postings.
Now I walk alone. And I'm ready to recognize love when I see it.
Michigan Law For Booster Seats

While signing the delivery note which bore witness to that piece of marble had arrived in time and shape their study, Baltasar already knew how I was going to use. Looking the part, yet ductile to be converted into anything, caressed saying
- Barbara, I knew that eventually you'd be mine.
night fell, the lights went out. With the lighting that gave the two candles half spent he found, began to work, I needed it, the sooner the better, the inspiration he felt at that time gave him great strength he needed to channel.
took the pointer and began to rough life that block yet, which I knew was hiding Barbara. After three hours, the marble did not seem so cold took shape. I was tired, but now it was time to sleep. He switched, he took the tooth chisel to give his creation, his love, the desired volume. Was excited to see that already glimpsed the silhouette of the head, arm Noting that each time he weighed more, knew he must rest, though at the time it was impossible. The adrenaline that flowed through his body fed his creative frenzy.
I did not have the strength of old, the years you were causing a dent, approached the sixties and it showed, the gray would gradually poking his long brown hair, slightly wavy, in that it had not changed, provided Liked this measure. To work and used glasses, presbyopia started to cause havoc. Recently decided to disappear from his face a beard, he became the hobby that nobody used it, except for gays. Old maniac, diminished strength, but more creative than ever.
surrendered to the need to rest your body, poured himself a drink while his brain was coming up and affect the block of marble to reach the dream shapes, forms of Barbara. Alcohol relaxes the artist, who watched his work, noting what was already reality and glimpse what would soon become evident.
recover their power, began work fine, those cheekbones, the nose sharp, but not close, these small and rounded tabs arising from their expertise. Iba
cleaving the bit to get the nostrils, ear, mouth ajar to the teeth sticking out small pieces with a slight imperfection that made her unique.
were separated, looked at the figure that was becoming, and told her - Barbara, my love, and you arrive, and arrive. According
performed his face, he took on functionality. Thus, as the eyes were taking shape not only saw those magical eyes, she was also observed, and when the ears were noted as set
The face was almost finished, just missing polish. He grabbed the wheel and began to rub the surface repeatedly. It started with the front, was slowly being smooth and shiny, the eyes went up and outline the overwhelming glare, followed his nose which gave a great harmony to your face, ears, mouth and finally, putting those lips shine and sensuous. The slender neck, shoulders rounded and well-trained, were the final polishing of that work.
He put his hands on the work, slowly caressing it, feeling the softness of his tools had been made, closing his eyelids deepened the sense of touch, and did not notice the cold marble, but the skin of his beloved Barbara, if you Barbara!. As he passed his hand over her mouth, a kiss made him shiver with pleasure.
The new day came, the sun shone a new creation. He sat opposite her and felt her staring at her reproachfully. Barbara spoke to him, scolded him. Why?
- What he wanted? Why put off both his creation? - Was a self-centered artist, love often! She, like Penelope, wishing you both time and Who comes?, An older man and unattractive. - You're not who I hope.
No, did not deserve to be treated that way, after creating it, so much sacrifice. After so many years to be so true, without even thinking about any other love. It felt empty, punishable with unbearable weight in his chest. He covered his ears, neither wanted nor could continue listening. Perfect face that looked at him, brought his hands, raised it above his head and uttered a loud cry, threw her against the ground with such force that his beloved was shattered. Baltasar dropped to the floor crying like a child, also shattered, knowing he had lost forever. In his childish tantrum
pricked with the sharp point of one piece. Stood, sat and let out a laugh. Moment of clarity: the perfect woman is a pipe dream. It can only be ideal for the perfect man. Then he said.
- Baltasar No, you're just an imperfect man. Your ideal woman is an imperfect woman. That smile when you pick up the mail, which puts you eyes.
without thinking twice, and despite its deplorable state, picked up a pair of paper flowers, those who performed with his students. up to 3 º E, rang the bell and minutes later, when a woman almost his sixties, clad in a gown home, opened the door and looked between confused and excited, he displayed the most seductive of smiles offering flowers, while they whispered,
- Beatrice, I just learned a lesson that will surely be the highlight of my life.

Carved and polished by Carmen and Juan Carlos.
Other faces four hands on the blog of Gus
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Same Day Std Testing Nyc
Exigo Facebook creators to make and version 2. The one where I can make my "enemies."
That's the life I want to know and not that of my friends and me have them.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Left Thalamic Infarct Wikipedia
Dear readers, I must confess
. For days I shower with neighboring unbeknownst to my wife.
This will be our first secret.
The second is the frustration I feel when you turn off the water in the shower and hear yours is still running, not knowing the feeling of being on time.
Please keep my secret.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Example Wedding Seating Plan
was the day. The timing, the second, the moment and I was there.
But nobody told me, I did not realize.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Best Tall Step Ladders
The value of a person is usually inversely proportional to the money he says he has.
Note: I am afraid that is applicable to other aspects such as:
The affection of his friends is inversely proportional to the number of friends who say they have.
Encourage them to share your "investment."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Bushnell Red Point Mount
then complain that the money causes disunity, when the today's world there are coalitions to get it out the rest.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Boat Seat Shock Wooden

Those violins sounded a melodious way, walking to the beat they marked the conductor. Albinoni's Adagio had heard countless times, but this time was special, her daughter was as lead violin, I could not lose. Whenever I listened to classical music, I closed my eyes and let the sense of hearing only willing to receive with pleasure the letters that made up the concert. Start the violin, slowly stretching the first line, so you can taste that melody, preparing the environment to climax, gradually raising the tone of it to reach the highest point, all the strings-violins, violas, cellos and basses, accompanied by violin, making the music difficult to explain, it just has to feel, no knowledge, but feeling. After the big climax, the gentle rocking outlines all the instruments together towards their owners, transporting finely notes, linking them each other, diminishing their sound to make it to retrieve later. Again, the concertmaster stands as the leading figure in the orchestra, composing a solo that makes you quiver. When the concert ends, relaxation and well-being is so great that you wish that never ends, your hands clapping endlessly waiting for a repeat of the members of the orchestra can not be denied, finally gets to enjoy and come back, waiting delight the next time you can hear a work as sublime as this.